Is your automation strategy helping you test better?

Every year countless automation projects are scrapped because teams miss on getting ROI with their automation projects. The reasons for scrapping automation projects are multiple yet one of the prominent reason I have seen is poorly strategizing automation.
Let's end all Testing related arguments for Good!

Being in a Testing profession you already face a lot of difficult situations and conversations on the job. If that is not enough you can sign up for various social media influencer who are arguing on various things about testing, and if by mistake you jump into any of such arguments considering it would be good debate what you will end up usually is in another difficult situation. Through this blog, I am trying to attempt to help understand the community that how they are overall not good for the community and Individual Testers.
To be in a good debate

An opinion exactly opposing your opinion or beliefs is floating around your wall on may be any social media platforms and you are tempted to express exactly opposing views. This is generally how it starts. But its important to know if you are involved in good debate or not.
Using Record Classes from Java in Test Automation

Java 14 introduced Record classes which have very good inherent features. If we leverage this feature in automation we can simplify our code really well.
Why your team is missing bugs

Bug found in production can have lot of bad effects on reputation, product confidence as well as overall popularity of product. In this blog we will try to dig down why often teams miss on bugs.
Is Your Test Strategy Just a Document?

This blog is an introspection around the 'Test Strategy' That We create for different Software projects. Are these test strategies worth giving time? Do those help? Let us try to explore the answers.
Carpentry - The art of making Software Right

Making Right Software is an Art. Let us try to understand this by drawing similarities between Carpentry to make it Simple.