Score Keeper Kata Using TDD

This Kata is helpful to understand Reusability and how tdd can help to prevent bugs due to copy-pasting

Problem Statement For Kata

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We need software to deliver the proper data to the scoreboard for a basketball team. Unfortunately the people using our software are not the brightest lights under the sun, so they need six buttons (each team can score either 1, 2 or 3 points with a single shot).

Your task

Write a class ScoreKeeper which offers following methods:

void scoreTeamA1()
void scoreTeamA2()
void scoreTeamA3()
void scoreTeamB1()
void scoreTeamB2()
void scoreTeamB3()
String getScore()


The returned String always has seven characters. An example would be 000:000

Selected Stack

  • - Java 11
  • - gradle (with gradle wrapper) as build tool
  • - junit 5 as test framework

Understanding Solution

  • - The Problem was solved using TDD and with the approach of just enough design at each stage
  • - Go through Each commit One by one to understand how first failing tests were written
  • - Each commit is one step of Red-Green-Refactor step