Roman Numerals Using TDD
This Kata is helpful to understand how to identify test cases along with writing code. How to convert exploratory scenarios into know tests.
Problem Statement For Kata
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Your task
Write a method String convert(int) that takes a number and converts it to the according String representation.
1 ➔ I
2 ➔ II
3 ➔ III
4 ➔ IV
5 ➔ V
9 ➔ IX
21 ➔ XXI
50 ➔ L
100 ➔ C
500 ➔ D
1000 ➔ M
This kata lures a lot of people to implement features in the order of the numbers. But do not forget that it’s sometimes easier to start with a general case and add exceptions later.
Selected Stack
- - Java 11
- - gradle (with gradle wrapper) as build tool
- - junit 5 as test framework
Understanding Solution
- - The Problem was solved using TDD and with the approach of just enough design at each stage
- - Go through Each commit One by one to understand how first failing tests were written
- - Each commit is one step of Red-Green-Refactor step
- - During certain instances few tests and implementations were missed. Going through commits will help you understand how exploratory unit tests can turn valuable