Manhattan Distance Using TDD
The problem is simpler, yet the restrictions around implementation will make you think.
Problem Statement For Kata
Originally Posted At
Manhattan distance is the distance between two points in a grid (like the grid-like street geography of the New York borough of Manhattan) calculated by only taking a vertical and/or horizontal path.
Write a function int manhattanDistance(Point, Point) that returns the Manhattan Distance between the two points.
- - The class Point is immutable (its state cannot be changed after instantiation)
- - The class Point has no Getters
- - The class Point has no public properties (i.e. the internal state cannot be read from outside the class).
Selected Stack
- - Java 11
- - gradle (with gradle wrapper) as build tool
- - junit 5 as test framework
Understanding Solution
- - The Problem was solved using TDD and with the approach of just enough design at each stage
- - Go through Each commit One by one to understand how first failing tests were written
- - Each commit is one step of Red-Green-Refactor step